Our Services

Akay Global Logistics olarak; taşıma ve lojistik tedariği sektörlerinde uluslararası iş partnerlerimiz ve uzman kadromuz ile birlikte kara, hava ve deniz yolu taşımacılığında profesyonel hizmet vermekteyiz. Küreselleşen dünyada intermodal ve multimodal ulaştırma hizmetlerimiz ile yurt içi ve yurt dışı lojistik stratejilerimizi doğru kurgulayarak tüm hizmetlerimizi en verimli, güvenilir ve doğru şekilde gerçekleştirmek için çalışıyoruz. Teknolojik gelişmeleri yakından takip eden ve alanlarında uzman kadromuz ile birlikte profesyonel hizmet veriyoruz.

Land Transportation

With our innovative and technologically advanced systems and personnel, we offer transportation solutions tailored to your requirements, whether direct transportation (FTL/FCL) or group transportation (LTL/LCL).

Our fleet ensures fast, accurate and cost-effective transportation of your shipment to its destination. Together with our experienced customs companies, we provide you with the level of security you need.

Sea Transportation

In maritime transportation, time-sensitive shipments of shipyards and spare parts supply companies require high precision 24 hours a day.

We serve you by combining our knowledge and experience in warehousing, inventory management, consolidation and international logistics of ship spare parts into a customized worldwide solution.

Sea Transportation

In maritime transportation, time-sensitive shipments of shipyards and spare parts supply companies require high precision 24 hours a day.

We serve you by combining our knowledge and experience in warehousing, inventory management, consolidation and international logistics of ship spare parts into a customized worldwide solution.

Air Transportation

Air transportation is generally used for shipments with high value and low volume. We continue to produce practical solutions for your needs with our contracted airports all over the world.

Profitable and completely safe, air transportation has made remarkable progress. We share with you the necessary services for import and export, information such as destination and airport.

We offer you our uninterrupted and professional air transportation service, which is essential for global trade and promotes economic growth.